Lucky for me and my waistline I have learned to control my desire to eat Oreos every day and have gotten to the point where I rarely even purchase them any more.
That all changed one fateful day last week....
We were on a little excursion to Target we stumbled on the Oreo display with some of their limited edition flavors. This specific display had the Cookie Dough and Marshmallow Crispy editions. Hmm, interesting. I had heard mixed reviews of both flavors but of course I needed to try for myself. Because frankly, I didn't know how anything with cookie dough could be anything short of divine. Maybe that's just me though! :)
I tried to show some restraint by letting Natalie choose which flavor we purchased. Too bad she chose wrong. :) She picked the Marshmallow Crispy but of course I wanted to try the Cookie Dough. Like I said earlier, I prefer the cookie in my Oreo to be chocolate, not the
The Cookie Dough was interesting and I can confirm they do have a coffee taste. Actually they seemed to taste more like coffee than cookie dough. You could tell they were close to getting the cookie dough flavor right but just missed the mark a little bit. With that being said they were still pretty good and the coffee flavor did nothing to deter me from eating them. Darn.
Oh and the chocolate cookie tasted like the original Oreo. Of course I would assume it was the same chocolate cookie for ALL versions that contained the chocolate cookie....but I think I assumed wrong.
All in all, I enjoyed this cookie but did not feel the pull to purchase them again when I was at the grocery store.
The Marshmallow Crispy was a big hit with both Natalie and the hubby. It was interesting in that the crème filling had bits of what I assume were rice krispies. I was actually surprised that I enjoyed the vanilla cookie. Hmm, have I been missing out being an Oreo original snob?
The crème on this version was pretty good too. The krispies in the crème made it different and kind of interesting.
This version garnered a request to purchase again from the hubs.
This week at the grocery store we (of course) had to check out their offering of limited edition (or special edition?) Oreos. They carried a couple different ones but Natalie chose the Berry Burst version. Think it may have had something to do with the pink filling?!
These are....different. For one, the chocolate cookie does not taste right as far as I am concerned. I do NOT understand this at all. Not even a little bit. The only thing I can think of is that the crème filling has such a strong flavor that it taints the taste of the cookie.
This cookie is pretty good if you like fruity flavors but I don't think I would buy them again.
Honestly, I think trying each version is enough to quench my curiosity. And for that my waistline is thankful. :)
While checking out the Oreo website I realized they have all kinds of special flavors that I had not been aware of. Guess that is what I get after overindulging on them and then avoiding their section of the cookie aisle. Damn the special display at Target!
Peanut Butter? Hmm, I do love peanut butter and chocolate. Could this be any good?? Or will be expectations be too high? There is only one way to find out ;)
Lord help me if I find these in the store. I may actually love bananas and chocolate more than peanut butter and chocolate....
How would this compare to Thin Mints? The chocolately goodness of an Oreo is pretty tough to top. Combined with mint it may be even better...

I don't even know what to say about this one. I hope I never find it so I am never tempted to eat them because I fear I may hoard the box and not allow anyone else in my family to try them.
Here is Natalie showing off her favorite version.
So there it is, my journey from Oreo original snob to trying the special versions. :)
Yes, I did just devote an entire post to Oreos. I can't quite believe it myself. Unfortunately, no one at Oreo is paying for me to buy or try any of these flavors! :)
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