
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm back....and "Come on in" to my Family Room

Hi all!  Is it really already April 15th??  We are in full blown birthday planning mode.  I have made more trips to Hobby Lobby in the past 2 weeks than the previous 2 months!  I have spent too much time on Pinterest checking out ideas and even more time crafting!  I am totally in love with everything I have so far and will probably end up putting the decorations up a week or so early just to be sure it comes together how I am envisioning.  Does that make me crazy?!  Yes, it probably does!  :) 

We are also in major Spring mode (even though today's high temp is in the 30's, what the heck Mother Nature?!?!?) and spending a ton of time outdoors.  Natalie is a total monkey on her new swing set and we are scoping out all the parks in the area.  We have also made a trip to the zoo, to a local farm to see all their new baby animals, a baseball game, a princess tea party and a few Easter egg hunts (of course) in the past 2 weeks.  Oh and Natalie started swim lessons.  Whew, I love this time of year but it has worn me out!  I have so much to update on - not to mention the pictures to share - and I am going to buckle down over the next couple of weeks and get it all out here.  I'm thinking in I need to set a specific time to blog.  Does that help you?

Even though I have fallen off the blogging bandwagon in recent weeks, I have still been keeping up to date with some of my favorite ladies out in blogland.  I was super excited to see Andrea over at Momfessionals introduce a new monthly home tour link up!  One of my favorite things to do is check out display homes for ideas and inspirations.  Plus I love seeing how other people integrate their style and ideas into their spaces.  So...this is a perfect link up for me! 

We moved in just about a year and a half ago and I am still working on some of the details and tweaking what isn't working as we go.  The color palette is pretty neutral but our house is a very open plan ranch and I felt like we couldn't do too crazy of color combinations.  Of course, sometimes I feel like we went too neutral.  I'm hoping that will allow me flexibility to change out accents as we continue living here.

So this is the view after you pass through the foyer.  Kitchen to the left (the opening by the tv), a hall to the right and the formal dining room to the back right.
The wall color is a greenish grey.

Looking in from the kitchen area.  As you can see we have a very nicely decorated kid toy area.  ;)  This is a constant struggle for me but I am trying to just go with it since I know I will miss this time in our lives soon enough.

 Another view into the living room from the kitchen.  As you can see I have exactly nothing on our coffee tables.  These are still relatively new and Chase is into everything so finding cute items hasn't been a priority.  It will be soon but I really want to make sure I find the right pieces and not be rushed into purchasing items I don't really love.

Looking the other direction (towards the kitchen and formal dining room).  We have two large open frames to get into the kitchen that I love for flow and so I still feel 'involved' when in the kitchen.
There are also two pretty good size cut outs.  We painted those a dark green for contrast.  The dark green is also on the large staircase wall in the hall and in the dining room.  These areas are a work in progress too.  Sometimes I love the stuff we have up there and other times I really dislike it.  :) 

Looking in from the dining room.  (Oops, I need to fix the drapes!)
So there it is...our Living Room!  Where we spend most of our time as a family and almost never looks this picked up!  :)
Can't wait to see everyone else's homes!


  1. I love how you did the cutouts in a different color - that was a good idea. Can't wait to see all of your party planning!

  2. I LOVE that chair! The pattern is FUN!
